Himdhara is an autnomous and informal non registered environment research and action collective, extending solidarity and support, in research and action, to people and organisations asserting their rights over their natural resources and agitating against corporatisation of these resources for destructive development in the state.

We work with movements and organisations with a perspective critically tempered by the politics of resource distribution and ownership. We believe that the inequities in resource distribution has implications on mountain communities, especially vulnerable groups like indigenous people, dalits and women, and their ecological spaces. The nature of support Himdhara lends is localised and issue based. We contribute with our skills and capacities and those that we draw from our networks of like minded individuals and groups.

Our Key Areas of Support

  1. Research, Documentation and Information Collection, Analysis and Dissemination
  2. Support to local activists and grassroots organisations on technical and legal aspects
  3. Direct Advocacy and Lobbying for implementation of policies and laws
  4. Networking and Capacity Building with communities


Note: Images and documents on this website are produced by members of Himdhara Collective (unless otherwise mentioned). They may be used for public interest and research purposes with due full credit. Journalists, researchers and scholars may reach us by email for access to additional information or documentation at info@himdhara.org.